Posts tagged open source

Contributing to open source: A short guide for organizations

Over the years I’ve had a recurring question from people who are in organizations both big and small: how can we participate in open source communities?

Whether it is because of altruism or strategic importance, many companies, research groups, non-profits, etc want to be involved in open source projects (particularly large and impactful ones like Jupyter), but getting involved can be an opaque and confusing process if you’re not already familiar with open source. Each community has its own nuances and social dynamics, and approaching from the outside can be a challenge.

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What would Python-style governance look like in Jupyter?

This is the second in a series of blog posts that explores what it’d look like to directly port the governance model of other communities into the Jupyter project. You can find the first post about Rust here.

Note: These posts are meant as a thought experiment rather than a proposal. Moreover, all the usual caveats come with it, such as the fact that I don’t know the Python governance structure that well, and I might totally botch my characterization of it.

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How do projects signal how “open” they are?

How do open projects signal their “openness” to the outside community? This is a really hard question, particularly because nowadays “open” has become a buzzword that doesn’t just signal a project’s position to the community, but is also used as a marketing term to increase support, users, or resources.

I was thinking about this the other day, so decided to take to twitter:

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